Help us open the door to Recovery for someone who thought it would always be closed. image

Help us open the door to Recovery for someone who thought it would always be closed.

We are inspired every day by our clients as they move from at-risk disrupted lives to living with increased safety, stability, and health.

$310,934 raised

$45,000 goal

/ 150


“I’m grateful for life, where I had wanted it to end before. If it wasn’t for programs like this (Partners in Recovery) and meeting Kearn, I wouldn’t be here.”


Previously homeless, 25 jail stays and substance misuse

If you would like your gift to be in honor or in memory of someone special, please provide the name and mailing address of your loved one, if applicable, to A notification of your gift will be mailed to the honored recipient. Please note the amount of your gift is not included in any communication.